Building fences with ground screws
Ground screw advantages
Using ground screws in the construction of a fence is a cost-effective and time-saving method to create a foundation for fence posts. The fence can be built in the same way as you would when digging a concrete foundation but when you use ground screws you will not have to turn the garden upside down which tends to be the case.
Naturligtvis finns det andra sätt att skapa avgränsningar och få lugn och ro, men en fördel med staket är att de är relativt lättskötta. Planterar man en häck kommer den att behöva klippas och skötas om regelbundet. Staket klarar sig däremot I regel med minimalt underhåll och behöver bara målas om eller repareras lätt ibland.
In addition to that there will be no damage to the plants, soil or garden which saves additional repair and removal work. Since we put the screws into the deep, compacted ground, the result is more stable than a freshly created concrete block. If you are installing where there is existing tarmac or paving the use of ground screws becomes especially clear. With tarmac, we can core-drill a hole and insert the screw right through it and into the soil below. For brick or paving, we can easily lift up a small area of the surface and put the screw there. Normally you have to break up the landscaped surface and dig a bigger hole that will then need to be refilled and the surface repaired.
Different screws for different soil conditions and jobs
We have four different basic models of screws. To put a fence is mainly used post-screw when installing wooden post or a pipe screw when installing fences in metal. Both post and pipe screws is available in different lengths and dimensions depending on the soil type, the dimensions needed and what loads the screws have to cope with.
Vissa väljer att bygga sina staket själva, genom att använda överblivet material från tidigare byggen. Ett enkelt och praktiskt alternativ är annars att köpa en komplett byggsats för staket.
Oavsett hur man väljer att bygga, så är det viktigt att staketet fästs ordentligt i marken. Tjälskjutning, regn och klättrande barn utsätter nämligen staketet för stora påfrestningar.
When not to use ground screw to build fences
In most cases the ground screws are an effective and stable method for securing various types of construction. But there are of course times when ground screw is not suitable. This applies if there is solid rock where you have to build. In which case, it is usual to drill holes in the rock and anchor with a steel tie. Or, if you are building partly over solid rock, we can help you put the screws into the ground where there is no solid rock and use an anchor or tie where there is rock.
Another example of when a ground screw is not suitable, is if the ground is soft and unstable down to a level of 50 cm or deeper. Then you need the ground compacted before a good and stable mounting can be performed. EXTREMELY rocky ground can be a problem, but in most cases we can mount the ground screw even in rocky soil as we pre-drill all screws which then splits any rocks up to about 30 cm in diameter.